What Can I Do to Stay Active During Covid-19?
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What Can I Do to Stay Active During Covid-19?

What Can I Do to Stay Active During Covid-19?

With quarantines and coronavirus still taking their toll on many personal outlets that someone may have, as well as the dropping temperatures that come with the autumn season, maintaining an active, physical lifestyle is increasingly difficult. However, the need for each person to stay active during this time is still important, and so finding ways that each person can combat these elements and continue to engage in physical activity is paramount. While gyms may be closed and outside activities still being difficult to access, there are ways that each person can continue to stay active within their own homes, ranging from personal exercise routines to using technology to one’s advantage to stay physically healthy.

Just Get Up

Staying physically active starts with just getting out of bed, or getting up off the couch at regular intervals during the day. It can become easy to lay down on the couch and lose track of time, but taking breaks to get up and walk around the house can be very important, as it can program the body to begin to expect to move through the day rather than become accustomed to a continuous state of rest. Taking regular times to walk up and down the stairs or setting a consistent alarm for one’s self as a reminder to stand up and walk around, even if they are pacing around a few rooms, can all be beneficial for keeping the body active. While these exercises may not be the most taxing, they do help someone retain a sense of motion in their daily routines, even if they don’t have access to their traditional workout or exercise venues. From setting morning alarms that someone adheres to, to constant breaks to just pace around for 30 minutes, it is important to keep the body moving, and expecting to move, even in the midst of the continued effects of the coronavirus and changing seasons. These practices can keep motion at the forefront of someone’s mind, and make engaging in dedicated exercise routines easier to incorporate into one’s day.

Exercise Doesn't Require Equipment

While someone may be used to a particular routine at their gym or were a part of a sports team that is taking a break for the season, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t other ways to stay active within one’s own home. Simple exercises like crunches and push-ups don’t require any additional equipment, and instead, just require some floor space. These exercises can also be done while someone is still engaged with other activities, and can help someone be more efficient with their time by continuing to exercise while doing other things. For example, someone can continue to watch a television show while keeping a timer for wall squats or can challenge themselves to do a set amount of push-ups or sit-ups during commercial breaks, utilizing one’s own tv program as a set timer at a consistent exercise interval.


Yoga is another way to stay active that also doesn’t require anything but a comfortable floor space. Not only can it keep someone moving their body and continuously learning, but it can also hold a great deal of therapeutic value for those struggling with the stress of their own recovery, or even the stress brought about due to the persistent closings of their other exercise or social facilities. Online programs are available for someone to try from the comfort of their own homes and can be applicable for people of all ages, regardless of previous experience with yoga or any kind of meditative practice.

Using Technology to Your Advantage

Technology has infiltrated almost every facet of daily life. However this means it can also be used to inspire and instruct someone through various physical activities. There are a number of apps that someone can download on their phones, or even exercise routine tutorials that someone can follow on YouTube that can keep someone constantly active as well as learn new ways to remain active. Video games can also play an important role. There are entire video games that are dedicated to one’s physical health, including Ubisoft’s Just Dance series, available for a number of Nintendo, PlayStation, and Xbox consoles, as well as the Nintendo-exclusive Ring Fit Adventure, which also utilizes motion controls and can help someone remain active while tracking their progress. These games can also present a beneficial role in one’s life by allowing them to create their own exercise routine in the comfort of their own homes, while also tracking their success and even reaping the rewards of their progress both in themselves, as well as through in-game rewards as a motivational tool.

There are many different techniques of exercising during COVID-19 that are available. Finding the right approach for your own lifestyle and needs is an important part of recovery. If you or a loved one are struggling with an addiction or suffering from a mental health issue and need help finding the best practices to help you cope with your daily stress, START UP RECOVERY can help you today. The atmosphere that permeates the luxurious apartments of START UP RECOVERY is intended to help each person experience their own comfort when addressing their vulnerabilities and goals in recovery, while the essence of fellowship that is championed helps instill a sense of support and community each step of the way in every individual’s recovery journey. Your time with us can be personalized to help you address your own needs and goals, and both peers and mentors will work alongside you to continue to develop not just practical coping strategies, but also your own unique identity. For more information on how we can help you, call us today at (310) 773-3809.

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