According to a study done by the National Center for Biotechnology Information, 69.3% of people surveyed fear public speaking. However, public speaking is a common occurrence that most will have to face at some point in their life. Some career pursuits require strong public speaking skills, and such skills could help elevate you in your profession, helping to grow your business and relationships. You might be the most charming and charismatic person, but you tend to lock up whenever you get in front of a crowd. Understand that not only is this common, but there are ways in which to help you identify the underlying reasons as to why this happens.
Experiencing Fear
The most common detriment to your inability to stand and deliver your point in front of others is fear. While fear can motivate us to endure and accomplish some extraordinary things, it is also successful in keeping us from prevailing. Fear teaches us to protect ourselves in risky situations. It can become both frustrating and disappointing when this occurs. So, what can you do to eliminate fear from interfering?
Challenge Your Beliefs
Sometimes all you need to do to combat pushy and intrusive negative thoughts is to push back. Often, people don't ask a follow-up question to their question that stems from fear. Beliefs surrounding your public speaking could include:
- “I’m not a good public speaker.”
- “I get shy around large groups of people.”
- “People can see how anxious I am.”
- “I could never deliver a speech like this other person.”
However, most of these thoughts are irrational and not grounded in who you are. Sitting with your thoughts and challenging these beliefs is a form of cognitive reframing that aims to eliminate the negative beliefs about yourself and replace them with positive and supportive statements. You might achieve this through meditation or mindfulness.
Communicate With the Audience
When many are preparing to speak to an audience, it is hard not to feel a sense of having to perform. An excellent way to transition out of this frame of mind would be to shift your perspective from being evaluated to value. You are in this position because you have something to say that others are interested in hearing. These people stand to benefit from what you are saying; they are not there to judge you, including how entertaining or well you are doing. Only you are likely to get caught up in any mistake you might be making, whether it is a slip up of a word or other nervous habit, most people won't take notice because they are paying attention to the information you are giving them. Shift your focus on communication and getting your point across, and it will relieve you of a lot of worry over how you will be perceived.
Much like in recovery, you are always better equipped to handle challenges when you are better prepared. Delivering a speech, lecture, or presentation is no different. Preparation by thoroughly rehearsing your subject matter will reduce your worry over whether you will look nervous, forget a line, or lose your train of thought. Choosing to prepare will give you something to focus on and distract from your worry. You might even consider rehearsing in front of a smaller group of people, such as your closest friends and family.
Rehearsing this way allows you to get a feel for what you will be like in front of people, and it will also allow you to make mistakes and attain enlightenment as to where potential challenges might lie. Rehearsing aloud also helps you hear and process what you are saying to ask questions like:
- Does this flow?
- Does this make sense?
- Am I projecting enough?
When you prepare and your presentation becomes second nature, you become more relaxed in your presentation and focus on your material’s content rather than the situation’s context.
Seek Opportunities
Sometimes the best way to overcome a fear is to seek opportunities that help you overcome that fear. For example, many children fear riding bikes because of the fear of falling off; however, the more they practice and get on the bike, the sooner they are riding without any second thought. Most challenges and fears you have in life are the same. The more opportunities you seek to speak in front of people, whether it is just speaking up in a meeting, the more comfortable you will become. You will realize that not only do you have insightful things to say, but most people around you are likely pondering the same work-related questions you are. So, try and look for opportunities to speak in a group setting.
Overcoming any fear is difficult and might even prevent you from pursuing the life and successes you envision. If fear gets in your way and is causing you to move away from your highest potential, it may be time to ask for help. At START UP Recovery, our goal is to help you lean into your fears and overcome them. We provide a setting that will surround you with motivated and inspiring people that will help you transform yourself into the person you want to be while remaining in a comfortable environment to do so. At START UP Recovery, the focus is on you and your ability to achieve your highest success. With a sunny SoCal location, you can be confident that great energy and inspiration will always surround you. Remember, success begins with the motivation to take the first step. To learn more, reach out to us at START UP Recovery by calling (310) 773-3809.