It’s no secret that addiction can leave behind a void. For however long, you’ve subconsciously built your life around satisfying your habit; once you get out from under it, you might feel a strange emptiness. It’s common for people in recovery to start exercising with extreme vigor or dive into new hobbies to fill that void. You may not hit the gym right away, but sooner or later you’ll have to confront the newfound amount of time and energy you suddenly have.
If you have the right perspective, you can see this as a rare opportunity to choose the next thing you want to invest your time and energy into. Find whatever works to stimulate your body and mind and pursue that which leaves you feeling purposeful. Rebuilding your life doesn’t end with getting sober. It includes everything that comes after and the choice is in your hands to decide who you want to be next.
Explore Your Passions and Curiosities
One of the biggest costs of addiction is the way it overrides your natural energies and desires to follow your passions. Once you’ve gotten out of the grip of an addiction, you have the chance to pursue your interests on a whole new level. Whether it’s creating art or music, learning a new skill like woodcarving or birdwatching, or diving deep into a subject that fascinates you, your mind is now more clear than ever, poised and ready to explore the things that excite you.
Take a class. Read a book. Find a private instructor. Sign up for group activities. Chances are, whatever your interests, you can find a way to nurture them without too much difficulty. Surround yourself with opportunities to pursue your passions. You might take this opportunity to seek a career path in a field that challenges and inspires you, or you might decide to really dig deep into the hobbies you enjoy most. It’s an investment in your happiness. The more you follow your heart and passions, the more you might just begin to enjoy life in a whole new way.
Get in Touch With Your Body and Mind
Addiction and substance abuse take a lot out of your body and mind. You may feel disconnected, discorporated, or disassociated, especially in the early stages of your recovery. One way to fight these feelings is by putting your heart into exercise, physically and mentally. Whether you start putting in serious hours at the gym, take up meditation or yoga, or work on developing zen levels of mindfulness, you’re focusing on where you are in the moment and building your strength.
Another great way to feel rooted and present in yourself is by changing your environment and surrounding yourself with sights and sounds that inspire you. Take a trip to a national park and gaze in awe at majestic mountains; go to a concert and revel in the joys of music; read a book that draws you into another place or time. More adventurous people might try acupuncture, hypnosis, cryotherapy, or any number of exciting methods of further stimulating the mind and body.
Do It Together
For many people, one of the best parts of drinking or using was doing it with other people. As you build your new life to include hobbies, recreational activities, and socializing, don’t sell yourself short by thinking that being in recovery means you can’t have fun with your friends anymore. Just because you’re sober doesn’t mean your friends won’t want to hang out with you. If they support you, it won’t matter at all, and you’ll get a lot of enjoyment out of the time you spend together.
Any activity can become fun and enriching when shared with others. Get a group of friends together and see what you can get up to. Set up a game of Dungeons and Dragons, start a band, form a book club, host a regular movie night, create public art, go birdwatching…the options are just about endless. Good friends won’t make you feel judged or “lesser-than” for your sobriety. Your recovery is not a barrier to having a good time as long as you’re with people who respect you.
It’s Never Too Early to Give Back
Contrary to American mythmaking, you don’t need to be a billionaire to give back to your community. Volunteer at a soup kitchen, participate in mutual aid organizations, or put in a couple of hours at an animal shelter. If you know how to play an instrument, repair a craft, or speak another language, you may be surprised by the joy you might find by sharing your skills and helping others. Teaching what you know can be immensely rewarding and you may even end up learning something from the experience yourself.
At START UP RECOVERY in southern California, we know that recovery doesn’t end at detox. That’s why we’ve created a state-of-the-art, all-encompassing living space for people in recovery to start anew. START UP RECOVERY offers an immersive environment for you to press the reset button on your life and rebuild it by your design. We provide a world-class variety of ways for you to enjoy yourself and explore your interests. From horseback riding and deep-sea fishing to personal training and music lessons, no amenity is off the table--we work with you to create an experience that gives you everything you need to make this a time of refreshment and clarity. At the end of the day, it’s important to us that you not only succeed in your recovery but thrive in every aspect of your life. No matter what your future holds, we will provide the support you need to meet it head-on. Call us at (310) 773-3809 to learn more.