Maintaining recovery and working toward the career you want has is no easy task. However, when you have a handle on your recovery and are ready to take the next step toward advancing your career, you will likely want to show your potential employer what you are capable of in the professional world.
A CV (curriculum vitae), like a resume, is an excellent opportunity to establish your talents and experience to a future employer. However, you do not want to come off sounding obnoxious or as if you are bragging, for this can quickly sour a potential employer's impression of you. So, how do you showcase all of your best talents and traits without coming off as arrogant or self-centered?
Telling someone that you are the greatest is nothing more than an opinion. However, showing a potential employer that you are great is unarguable. Consider the following statements and ask which is best for a CV:
- "Excellent salesman who always meets targets," OR
- "Delivered a 47% increase in sales and exceeded annual sales target by five percent."
The first statement tells your potential employer your opinion and that, in theory, you can do the job. The second statement sells you on the facts.
Saying you are excellent can come off as sounding arrogant and therefore paint you as potentially difficult. Instead, think about the times you added value to a company and focus on those elements. Include only the facts, any stats that you can provide help. These provide clear evidence that you can benefit a companies growth and keep you from sounding like you are bragging.
Using figures gives recruiters an idea of the scope of your role. Doing so helps recruiters understand what level you are operating. For example:
- Instead of “Being in charge of the team and the budget.”
- Or, “Overseeing a large team answering to me. I was also responsible for all expenditure requests, and they had to be authorized by me.”
- Say, “Leading a team of five and dealing with 20 indirect team members to help control our $750,000 annual budget.”
The first statement comes off as too humble, while the second statement is very arrogant. However, the third statement is just right. It provides the recruiter enough information to understand your role without unnecessary fluff or boasting. Using about five or six bullet points like the third helps convey your position’s responsibilities and ensures you keep your CV concise.
If you have received any awards or letters of thanks, make sure you provide them to your potential employer. Provide the name of the award, why you received it, and the year. Recognition from others provides a positive impression for your future employer. It is also a great idea to provide any Linkedin profile to allow your potential employer all opportunity to check out your endorsements and recommendations. Positive feedback from clients and managers will strengthen your application. Don't shy away from allowing others to do a little bragging about your work ethic and accomplishments.
When you decide to compose a CV, you might wonder if you should write in the "I" or the third person? Although writing in the first person is more personal, you will likely keep repeating yourself once you have started. "I am responsible." "I built this." On the other hand, writing about yourself in the third person feels strange. No recruiter will be impressed when you start your CV using your first name and proceeding to make your point.
The best solution is to avoid using pronouns altogether. Adopting this format means you don't need to repeat "I" or "me" on every other line, so even if you are "blowing your own trumpet," you don't sound self-centered. It also helps the potential employer focus on the value you can add to their business rather than your personality.
Most people like to include a qualifications section on their CV. However, don't forget that courses, training, and development programs are an arrogance-free way of showcasing your knowledge. You will also want to showcase any trait or training relevant to the position for which you are applying. Membership of an industry body shows that you are serious about your career, so don't forget to drop in a mention of these.
It might take time to craft your CV, so don't be afraid to write a few drafts before finding something that works for you. You can also call upon trusted friends and peers to review. Sometimes an outside perspective can lend enlightenment in areas where you might come off as sounding too arrogant. Remember to be patient because it will help you put forth your best CV. Think of the saying, "measure twice, cut once." Apply this same theory to how you compose your CV.
Sometimes people go wrong thinking that they need to pump up their accomplishments because they don't have enough. However, less is more, and sticking to the facts and the priority at hand is more effective and will garner more respect from potential employers. In the places where you might see weakness, an employer could see an opportunity to build a prospect to fit their company better. At START UP RECOVERY, we are by design a place to help you rediscover your passions and focus on professional accomplishments as well as personal. Our approach provides you with professional outlets, including networking with individuals as motivated and passionate about their goals as you are. With a sunny side SoCal location, you will become surrounded by inspiration unlike any other. To redesign your professional approach and build a future of accomplishment, reach out for help today. To find out more, call us at 310-773-3809.