How to Reawaken Your Passion for Life
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How to Reawaken Your Passion for Life

How to Reawaken Your Passion for Life

Now that we’re starting a new year and are learning to live with COVID-19, it might be a good time to think about going back to your regular life. If so, make sure you put your safety first and foremost. Many of us spent the past ten months with no hugs, no visiting our elderly family members, and no ability to enjoy large parts of our lives like we used to. Until we have better knowledge of how much longer COVID is going to keep us in this position, it’s in your best interests to understand that you can have a life filled with fun and passion without involving risky activities which could get you sick. You can still make choices that will uplift you and carry you through the year with a positive attitude. Take this chance to reawaken your passions. Now is the time to open up to your support network, revisit your favorite hobbies, and explore new activities.

Revisit Your Favorite Hobbies

Most hobbies are going to look differently now due to the ongoing pandemic. Instead of going to the gym, try online workout classes, or connect with a virtual trainer. The widespread availability of internet-based services makes this a great opportunity to carry on with your regular commitments with relatively simple adjustments.

If you’re a fan of the outdoors, take a weekend to go camping. Revisit an old haunt you used to hike or visit, detach from your regular schedules, and clear your mind. Spending an afternoon or two in the elements can spark buried passions and reignite your creative drive. Nature can imbue your mind with a stillness that you can’t get from a screen. Alongside meditation, mindfulness exercises, or taking in art, spending time in nature can be a wonderfully curative experience.

Explore New Activities

The past year saw us dig deep into our creative side and try things we’d never done before. New hobbies can usher in a wide variety of positive feelings and endorphins, so reach out to friends, do some research, and try something different. If you enjoy the outdoors, your options are nearly endless. Hiking is a great way to clear your mind while getting some exercise. Activities in nature aren’t limited to hiking, though - birdwatching, swimming, learning the constellations, and camping are just a few examples of stimulating ways to spend your time on our planet.

Think about what you like doing and explore what’s out there. If you enjoy working with flowers and plants, floral designing can be a rewarding hobby to pick up. Many floral shops offer classes for beginners, or you can find instructions online. If you’re good with your hands, consider origami or woodworking. Hobbies of creation can be both practical and highly therapeutic. Remember, how you enjoy spending your time is only between you and yourself. Anybody can find pleasure and reward in any activity. Don’t be afraid to knit, do woodwork, bake, or design jewelry just because you haven’t tried it yet. 2021 is going to bring many new things into your life - make one of them the decision to increase your creativity and boldly step into new pursuits.

Open Up to Your Support System

People with strong support systems can be healthier and live longer. Having the right people in your life gives you strength when struggling with anxiety, setbacks, or loss. Your support system can also help identify when you’re especially stressed or overwhelmed; they may even notice it before you do. The people in your corner can provide you with advice, guidance, and valuable information. Most of all, knowing you’re not alone can give you a vital sense of security and confidence in moving forward.

If you have a busy mind, the people in your support system can help you flush out your thoughts. Opening up about your fears, hopes, and dreams aides in your decision making and helps you feel understood. As everyone is social distancing, a strong support system is of utmost importance. Social distancing doesn't have to put a damper on your relationships. Start a virtual book club, joining online workout classes, and virtual professional organizations all offer opportunities to connect with other people in impactful ways. As you enjoy the company of your support system, make sure to take care of each other. Showing your appreciation, staying in touch, and respecting one another’s boundaries are great ways to show that you care.

Though reawakening your passion for life can be a challenge, you have the power to make a change. If you tap into the things you once loved, with a little alteration you can make your way back to the feelings you used to enjoy. Engaging in activities that ignite your passions will bring joy and fulfillment into your life.  If your old ways of enjoying yourself are hampered by the ongoing pandemic, it may be time to get creative. Traveling, floral designing, knitting, or baking could be the next refreshing hobby that you need to help push you through. Reach out to your support system and plan some stimulating activities. If you want to make a change on a deeper level, START UP RECOVERY offers a state-of-the-art environment for pressing the reset button on life and recreating it by your own design. If you or a loved one is in need of a getaway during these tough times, reach out to us at (310) 773-3809.

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